Personal Travel World2Cover
For Australians who have the World2Cover and need comprehensive travel insurance that is value for money. Our global coverage, winter sports options, family benefits and simple claims process provides cover that has global coverage and great value.
World2Cover Benefits:
√ $Unlimited** medical
You have $unlimited** medical benefit when travelling overseas
√ Dependent coverage
Your children and grandchildren 25 and under are covered when they are travelling with you
√ 24/7 assistance
Our Worldwide assistance team is available 24 hours a day – 7 days a week
√ Winter sport and ski cover
We offer great winter adventure cover for skiing and snowboarding, check us out
√ New for old luggage# replacement
For more details, please visit the link to our product below:
**$unlimited means that generally there is no cap on the maximum dollar amount which may be paid out of this benefit, subject to the specific terms and conditions, sub-limits and exclusion apply to this benefit.
#Limits, sub-limits, exclusions and conditions apply.